問題 (Error Message)
當啟動 Android 程式進行 google authorize 時,得到了下列錯誤訊息I want to run app and excute google authorize on emulator, but I get following error message:
This app won't run unless you update Google Play services error
解決方法 (Solution)
步驟 1. 點選 Tools → SDK Manager
Step 1. Click Tools → SDK Manager
步驟 2. 點選 Show Package Details → 展開您目前安裝的 SDK 版本 → 勾選 Google Play Intel X86 Atom System Image → Apply,然後安裝
Step 2. Check Show Package Details → Expand current(installed) SDK → Check Google Play Intel X86 Atom System Image → Apply,then install it.
步驟 3. 重新建立 模擬器,你會看家 play store 有標誌。 建立完成與執行 app,即解決問題。
Step 3. Re-create virtual device。 You could icon at play store column. After creating virtual device and run app, it works.
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