問題描述 (Problem)

無意間嘗試一下 Live Unit Testing 後,在切換分支之後發現無法啟動專案,得到下列錯誤訊息:

無法載入檔案及組件 'Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LiveUnitTesting.Runtime, version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' 或其相性的其中之一。系統找步道指定檔案

I started live unit testing with visual studio 2017 (15.7.1) After I switch the branch and start the project, an error message comes up saying the following:
(Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LiveUnitTesting.Runtime, version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependenc)

解決方法 (Solution)

步驟1: (停止 Live unit test )  Test → Live Testing → Stop
Step 1: (Stop Live unit test )Test → Live Testing → Stop

步驟 2: Test → Live Testing → Options...
Step 2: Test → Live Testing → Options...

步驟 3: 勾選 'Pause Live Unit Testing during build and debug' 然後點選 'Delete Persisted Data'
Step 3: Checked 'Pause Live Unit Testing during build and debug' then click 'Delete Persisted Data'

步驟 4: 重新啟動專案,成功啟動.
Step 4:  Restart your project, it works.